Here in this article, we are going to discuss how to use turmeric to glow your skin.
Turmeric is a powerful herb with many health benefits. It also helps to lighten the skin, reversing the effects of skin hyperpigmentation.
According to a study, turmeric is rich in curcumin, a compound that is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and has many other health benefits.
The main compound found in turmeric, curcumin, helps to reduce skin irritation. It is also effective in treating burns and relieving the pain caused by sunburn.
It also helps in wound healing and has been studied for its effects on skin cancer.
How To Use Turmeric To Glow Your Skin
Below are the explanations on how to use turmeric to glow your skin:
Lemon Juice and Turmeric for Glowing Skin
How to use lemon juice and turmeric for glowing skin?
- Mix 1 Tbsp of turmeric powder with 1 Tbsp of fresh lemon juice to make a paste.
- Apply this turmeric face pack all over your face and neck for glowing skin.
- Give it a gentle massage with your fingertips for a few minutes.
- Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse with plain water.
- Do it every 3 days.
Why do lemon juice and turmeric work?
Lemon juice can help you achieve radiant and problem-free skin. It has natural anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties that help in treating breakouts.
Phytoncides and vitamin P in the juice also help in fighting breakouts and giving you blemish-free, radiant skin.
Lemon juice has deep-cleansing benefits that are essential for glowing skin.
It has citric acid, which exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells that cause dullness and patchiness.
This makes the skin soft and supple. Citric acid also helps in acne treatment by unclogging blocked pores and preventing breakouts.
Additionally, lemon juice’s natural astringency benefits help in removing impurities from pores and smoothing the skin texture.
It also quickly dries out active acne and reduces the size of large pores.
Excess oil builds up on the skin and dulls the skin. Lemon juice absorbs the excess oil and keeps the skin looking fresh and oil-free.
Lemon juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin C helps protect the skin from drying, dullness, and other problems by fighting the free radicals in the skin.
It also prevents discoloration by removing the toxins in the skin. Vitamin C also helps to promote new cell growth, which makes the skin healthier, brighter, and more radiant.
Vitamin C also has hydrating properties. Lemon juice works well not only for oily and acne-prone skin, but also for dry skin by exfoliating the skin and smoothing out the rough texture, making the skin soft, supple, and glowing.
Potassium present in lemon juice also helps to hydrate and moisturize dry skin.
Raw Milk and Turmeric for Glowing Skin
How to use raw milk and turmeric for glowing skin?
- Mix 1-2 Tbsp of turmeric with raw milk and make a paste. Apply the paste evenly on the face and neck.
- Allow it to dry naturally. Wash off with plain water after drying.
- If an excess yellow stain is left on the face, wipe it off with cotton balls dipped in cold milk.
- Apply this turmeric face pack 2-3 times a week for glowing skin.
This is one of the most popular ways to use turmeric.
Why do raw milk and turmeric work?
Raw milk has amazing moisturizing properties for our skin. It penetrates deep into the skin and nourishes the skin cells with vitamins, minerals, and protein components.
Regular use of raw milk makes your skin soft, supple, and healthy. Exfoliation is a must for glowing skin as it contains lactic acid which exfoliates the skin and removes the layer of dead skin cells.
If not exfoliated regularly, your skin can become dull and uneven. With exfoliation, your skin is deeply cleansed and makes your skin glow again.
Vitamins and minerals in milk are essential for healthy, glowing skin. Vitamin A increases the production of sebum in your skin, which helps to moisturize your dry skin.
Vitamin B6 helps to repair dry skin texture. Vitamin B12 helps to lighten discoloration and make your skin even-toned and glowing.
If you want to get glowing skin, milk is the way to go! It’s packed with biotin, vitamin D, and calcium, which have anti-oxidant benefits.
Calcium helps keep your skin hydrated and smooth, while selenium helps protect your skin from the sun’s rays.
Magnesium helps slow down the aging process and keep your skin looking young and glowing.
Plus, milk is packed with calcium, which helps replenish lost calcium and restore your skin to its natural glow.
Yogurt and Turmeric for Glowing Skin
How to use yogurt and turmeric for glowing skin?
- Mix together 1-2 Tbsp of yogurt and a generous amount of turmeric.
- Apply to your face and neck and massage in with your fingers.
- Leave on for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Rinse off with clean water and use this turmeric face pack to brighten up your skin every 2 to 3 days.
Why do yogurt and turmeric work?
Yogurt is one of the best sources of moisturizing ingredients. It works wonders for dry skin. It is rich in B complex vitamins such as B2, B5, and B12, which are known to help rejuvenate skin that is dry and dull.
Vitamins B2 have anti-oxidative properties, which protect the skin against free radicals and environmental elements. B vitamins also speed up the process of cell renewal, which replaces damaged skin cells and gives the skin a new glow.
In addition to vitamins, yogurt also contains other minerals like calcium, zinc, etc., which are essential for our skin’s health.
Calcium plays an important role in the health of our skin, as it is the main source of calcium in the top layer of the skin.
It also helps in the cell regeneration process, which makes the skin softer and more radiant.
According to a study, zinc has anti-inflammatory properties, which help to repair skin dryness caused by sun exposure.
According to research on yogurt production, Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is an excellent source of Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA).
It has many beneficial effects on our skin. It exfoliates our skin and removes impurities to make our skin softer, brighter, and healthier.
It also provides us with a boost in hydration and nutrition. It also reduces melanin synthesis, which directly affects our skin tone.
As a result, yogurt helps us to lighten and brighten our skin. Yogurt is also a great remedy for acne, as it has natural anti-bacterial properties that help get rid of acne.
It also has an astringent effect when applied topically, as it absorbs excess oil from our skin without drying it out.
It also reduces the size of large pores and smooths our skin texture.
A Word From GetMe Treated
These were 3 simple ways to use turmeric to glow your skin. Please feel free to drop any queries you might have in the comments section below.
FAQs Related To How To Use Turmeric To Glow Your Skin
What can I mix with turmeric for glowing skin?
Mix 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder with 1/2 cup of fresh-squeezed aloe gel.
How long does it take turmeric to brighten skin?
Few weeks
Can I mix turmeric with my cream?
Yes, add a pinch of turmeric oil to your cream or oil-based moisturizer.
What would I mix with turmeric and soap for skin glowing?
Add glycerin and turmeric powder with honey powder in a small beaker and mix with a mini mixer until well blended. Add melted soap to the mixture and mix well.
Can we use soap after applying turmeric on the face?
After turmeric pack removal, soap should not be applied to the skin or face.
Can I mix turmeric with Vaseline?
Yes. You can add some turmeric to your favorite lip gloss or Vaseline and say goodbye to puffy lips.
Can I rub turmeric on my face everyday?
If you don’t have an allergy to turmeric, you can use turmeric twice or three times a week.
Can I use kitchen turmeric for my face?
You can use Kitchen Turmeric Powder on your face as it is easy to apply and readily available.
Why my face is burning after applying turmeric?
In this case, you will have to a contact dermatitis
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