Is milk good or bad for health? I’ll try to explain the benefits and negative side effects, as well as some alternatives you might want to consider if you can’t tolerate milk or don’t drink it.
It will help you understand milk better and lessen your perplexity. So, keep reading till the conclusion.
Is Milk Good or Bad for Health: Milk Nutrients
Milk is regarded as a complete food. It contains 18 of the 22 important nutrients. It has the highest concentrations of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and protein per calorie of any food in a typical diet:
The amount of fat varies. Whole milk is higher in fat than other types:
Saturated fats: 4.5 grams
Unsaturated fats: 2.5 grams
Cholesterol: 24 milligrams
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Milk also provides:
- Iron
- Selenium
- Vitamin b-6
- Vitamin e
- Vitamin k
- Niacin
- Thiamin
- Riboflavin
Is Milk Good Or Bad For Health: Benefits of milk
Let’s check out some benefits of Milk.
Appetite control
Milk consumption has not been connected to weight gain or obesity. While dairy is not related to weight loss, it may aid in appetite suppression.
A tiny 2013 study found that dairy made people feel fuller and lowered their overall fat intake.
Bone development
According to a 2016 study, milk helps children’s weight and bone density. It also lowers the likelihood of infantile fractures. According to research, pregnant women who ate a lot of dairy and calcium-rich meals had infants with superior bone growth and mass.
Furthermore, adding more dairy to preteen girls’ diets was proven to be better for bone health than providing them calcium tablets.
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Milk also contains proteins that are required for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. A cup of milk contains around 6 to 7 grams of casein and whey proteins.
Bone and dental health
A glass of milk contains over 30% of an adult’s daily calcium requirement. Milk includes potassium and magnesium as well. These minerals are necessary for strong bones and teeth.
Dairy accounts for over half of the calcium in the average diet. Dairy products are also the primary source of calcium for individuals all over the world.
Most milk contains vitamin D. A glass of fortified milk contains over 30% of the daily required dose. Vitamin D is required for the body’s calcium and phosphorus balance.
Milk may also aid in the prevention of cavities. Getting more dairy, calcium, and vitamin D helps reduce dental plaque in older persons, according to research.
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Diabetes prevention
Diabetes type 2 impacts how your body uses food for energy. Diabetes can also increase your chances of developing heart disease, stroke, or renal illness.
Many studies have revealed that whey protein in milk may help adults avoid type 2 diabetes. This could be due to milk proteins improving blood sugar equilibrium.
Cardiovascular health
Milk fat may aid in the increase of high-density lipoprotein levels (HDL). HDL is referred to be “good” cholesterol. It aids in the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
Milk is also a good source of potassium. This mineral aids in blood pressure regulation.
Milk from pastured or grass-fed cows has higher omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid. These fats aid in the protection of the heart and blood vessels.
Is Milk Good Or Bad For Health: Milk’s negative side effects
According to a 2016 study, teenagers with acne drank more low-fat or skim milk. Adult acne can also be aggravated by dairy.
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Additional research found a link between this skin condition and skim and low-fat milk, but not whole milk or cheese. This could be because milk contains carbs and whey protein.
Additional skin problems
According to a scientific review, certain foods, such as milk and dairy, aggravate eczema.
A 2018 study, on the other hand, discovered that pregnant and lactating women who included milk and a probiotic in their diet lowered their child’s risk of eczema and other food-related allergy reactions.
Dairy products may also be a rosacea trigger for certain individuals.
According to some specialists, approximately 5% of children have a milk allergy. It can induce skin reactions like eczema as well as digestive symptoms including colic, constipation, and diarrhea. Additional significant reactions are as follows:
- Anaphylaxis Wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
- Bloody stool
Milk allergies in children can be overcome. Adults might develop milk allergies as well. Milk allergies may be connected to antibiotics given to dairy cows.
Fractures of the bones
Women who consume three or more glasses of milk per day may be at greater risk of bone fractures.
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According to research, this could be linked to lactose and galactose carbohydrates contained in milk. Nonetheless, the study did state that further research is required before dietary recommendations can be made.
Another study found that bone fractures in senior persons owing to osteoporosis are more common in locations with higher dairy, animal protein, and calcium consumption.
Calcium intake from milk and other foods may raise the risk of prostate cancer. Milk sugars may be associated with a slightly increased incidence of ovarian cancer.
Milk from cows given growth hormones contains greater levels of a chemical that has been linked to an increased risk of certain malignancies.
Further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of these hormones and antibiotics given to dairy cows.
Lactose sensitivity
Cow milk has more lactose than milk from other animals. According to a 2015 review, up to 75% of the world’s population suffers from lactose intolerance. Most people with this illness can safely consume tiny amounts of dairy.
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Cow’s milk alternatives for infants and toddlers who are allergic to milk proteins include:
Pros: The best source of nutrition
Cons: Typically, only available for the first 4 to 6 months of life; Not all women can breastfeed
Hypoallergenic formulas
Pros: Produced with enzymes to break down milk proteins
Cons: Processing may damage other nutrients
Amino acid formulas
Pros: Least likely to cause an allergic reaction
Cons: Processing may damage other nutrients
Soy-based formulas
Pros: Fortified to be nutritionally complete
Cons: Children may also develop an allergy to soy
Plant-and nut-based milk acceptable for lactose intolerant or vegan people include:
Finally, milk contains important nutrients in a convenient and easily accessible form. Milk is very vital for children and may help you and your child stay healthy.
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A Word From GetMe Treated
In the topic “Is milk good or bad for health” I’ve covered everything you need to know about Milk, Cow Milk, and Milk Substitutes. You must now decide if milk is healthy or detrimental to your health. Milk, in my opinion, is good for health despite some unpleasant side effects and nutrition.