Are there any side effects of garlic and lemon water? According to research, yes. There are many side effects of garlic and lemon water. Make sure you read the article to the end.
Garlic and lemon water are one of the most popular drinks in recent years.
Drinking garlic and lemon water can help improve your digestion and keep you hydrated, but it can also cause side effects.
Garlic and lemon water are very acidic, which can lead to tooth decay, gastrointestinal issues, and skin irritations.
In this post, we will look at the side effects of garlic and lemon water and how to avoid them on a daily basis.
What is the side effect of consuming too much garlic and lemon water?
Garlic and lemon water have many health benefits, including helping you lose weight and improve digestion.
However, if you drink too much of it, it can have several negative effects on your body.
Excessive garlic and lemon water consumption can cause your body to produce more urine and become dehydrated.
This can lead to a mineral imbalance in your body, which can damage your cells.
Garlic and lemon water can also irritate your skin and cause photosensitivity, especially if you suffer from sensitive skin.
Side Effects Of Garlic And Lemon Water
Although garlic and lemon water are generally safe to consume, there are a few side effects to keep in mind:
1. Skin Irritation
Garlic and lemon water causes skin irritations or rashes in some people, particularly when they are exposed to sunlight.
The reason for this is that the water causes photosensitivity, which makes the skin more sensitive to sun damage.
Therefore, it is best to avoid sun exposure after applying garlic and lemon water to prevent skin irritation.
To avoid sunburn or irritation, you can use sunscreen or cover your exposed skin with clothes.
2. Kidney stones
According to research, lemons and garlic contain citric acid which can cause kidney stones in certain people.
Therefore, if you have had kidney stones in the past, it is best to limit your consumption of garlic and lemon water.
Consuming garlic and lemon water can cause kidney stones, so it is important to drink it in moderation and not too much.
You may also want to speak to your doctor regarding your garlic and lemon water intake if you have a kidney stone history.
3. Migraines
Citrus fruits like lemons can cause headaches and migraines because they contain tyramine, which is a natural monoamine.
If you’re having a headache or migraine, it’s best to cut back on your lemon water or not drink it at all.
4. Dehydration
Drinking too much garlic and lemon water can actually make you dehydrated. According to a study, the acidity of lemon juice can cause your body to produce more urine, which can lead to more fluid loss.
Studies have shown that lemon water can make you more dehydrated, especially if it’s hot or you’re doing a lot of exercise.
To stay hydrated, make sure you’re drinking plenty of plain water, not just lemon water.
5. Canker sores
If you’ve got a canker sore in your mouth, it’s nothing to worry about – it’s just a sore, non-toxic area of your mouth.
Eating citrus fruits can cause them, so if you have a canker sore, it’s best to stay away from garlic and lemon water until it’s fully healed.
6. Obtrusion with medications
Some medications, such as antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and blood pressure medications, can be affected by the acidity of the garlic and lemon juice.
This is because the acidic nature of the garlic and lemon water can affect the pH balance of your digestive tract, which affects the absorption of certain medications.
Therefore, it is best to consult your doctor before drinking regular garlic and lemon water.
7. Enamel Erosion and Tooth Decay
According to research, lemon is one of the most acidic citrus fruits on the planet.
Drinking too much garlic and lemon water can damage the enamel of your teeth, leading to cavities and dentinal sensitivity.
To prevent this, drink garlic and lemon water with a straw and avoid direct contact with your teeth.
Don’t brush your teeth for more than 30 minutes after consuming garlic and lemon water, and make sure you’re drinking plenty of water, which helps neutralize acid in the mouth.
8. Iron deficiency
Garlic and lemon water can interfere with your body’s ability to absorb iron. This can result in iron deficiency anemia.
This is especially true for people who are already low in iron or at risk of anemia.
To prevent iron deficiency caused by drinking garlic and lemon water, it’s best to drink garlic and lemon water in moderation and not too much.
You can also eat foods that are high in iron, like spinach and red meat.
9. Dental Problems
One of the main causes of tooth decay is the high acidity of garlic and lemon water.
The acidity of the garlic and lemon water can cause tooth enamel to erode over time, which can lead to tooth sensitivity and tooth cavities.
If you drink too much garlic and lemon water or if you have bad dental hygiene habits, it is important to drink lemon water in moderation.
You can rinse your mouth after drinking garlic and lemon water and use a straw to prevent the acid from getting into your teeth.
10. Risk of bleeding
Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, which is important for your immune system and wound healing.
However, if you drink a lot of lemon water, you may be at risk of bleeding.
Vitamin C can mess with your blood clotting system, which is why it can increase your risk of bleeding if you’re on blood thinners, or if you have a blood disorder that causes bleeding.
If you’ve had bleeding problems in the past, talk to your doctor before drinking too much lemon water.
11. Allergic reactions
Some people may not be able to tolerate garlic and lemons, or they may have an allergic reaction to citric acid in the garlic and lemon water.
An allergic reaction can cause hives, swelling, and shortness of breath.
It is important to consult your doctor if you have an allergy or if you have any unusual symptoms after drinking garlic and lemon water.
12. Heartburn and acid reflux
If you have heartburn or are prone to acid reflux, you may find that your symptoms worsen when you drink garlic or lemon water.
The reason for this is that the acid in the garlic and lemon juice irritates your esophagus and causes you to have heartburn or reflux.
Therefore, it is important to drink garlic and lemon water in moderation and avoid drinking it when you are not feeling well.
You can also drink lemon water with water or after eating to help reduce the effects of the acid on your stomach.
13. Gastrointestinal Issues
Garlic and lemon juice have a high acidity, which irritates the lining of your stomach and can lead to gastrointestinal problems like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Therefore, it is important to drink garlic and lemon water in moderation.
Consumption of garlic and lemon water should be limited and should not be drunk on empty stomachs.
Garlic and lemon water can be mixed with water or drunk after meals to reduce the impact of acid on your stomach.
How To Reduce The Side Effects Of Garlic And Lemon Water
If you want to keep drinking garlic and lemon water on a daily basis but are worried about the side effects, here are a few things you can do to reduce your risk:
1. Drink in moderation
It is important to exercise caution when drinking garlic and lemon water, as excessive drinking can result in dehydration and may increase the likelihood of adverse health effects, including kidney stones.
2. Dilute the lemon juice
The acidity of the garlic and lemon water can be reduced by diluting it with water before drinking, which can help prevent dental, gastrointestinal, and heartburn issues.
3. Avoid drinking before going to bed at night
Don’t drink lemon water before you go to sleep. It can make you more likely to have heartburn or acid reflux, so it’s best to avoid it before you go to bed.
4. Consult with a doctor
If you have kidney stones, acid reflux, or other medical conditions, it’s important to talk to your doctor before you start drinking garlic and lemon water on a regular basis.
Your doctor will be able to tell you how much garlic and lemon water you should drink and if there are any medical risks associated with garlic and lemon water.
A Word From GetMe Treated
Drinking lemon water on a daily basis is a great way to stay hydrated and healthy.
Lemon water has many health benefits, but there are also some side effects of garlic and lemon water that you may not be aware of.
Knowing the risks of lemon water and how to reduce them can help you enjoy this delicious drink without damaging your health.
FAQs Related To Side Effects Of Garlic And Lemon Water
How much lemon water should you drink a day?
This depends on a number of factors such as your age, gender, body weight, and health.
Most people should drink 8-12 glasses of water a day to keep their bodies hydrated.
Adding a few slices to your water will also help keep you hydrated.
What happens when you drink garlic and lemon water everyday?
According to a research journal, drinking garlic and lemon water everyday will enhance fibrinolytic activity, lowering blood pressure, reduction in cholesterol, and triglyceride.
What is the effect of garlic and lemon?
In a study, garlic and lemon juice were found to lower cholesterol, improve fibrinogen levels, and raise blood pressure in hyperlipidemic patients.
Can I take raw garlic with lemon water?
In a recent study, the combination of garlic and lemon juice has been found to reduce the levels of total and LDL cholesterol in individuals with elevated blood lipid levels, as well as to improve blood pressure.
Can you boil garlic and lemon together?
Yes. Garlic tea is made by boiling minced garlic in boiling water with lemon juice and honey.
Who should not drink garlic water?
If you are taking a blood thinner like warfarin, or if you are planning to have surgery, it is recommended that you consult your healthcare provider regarding the inclusion of garlic in your diet.
What happens when you drink lemon water for 7 days?
This can result in tooth erosion over time.
Does boiling garlic destroy its benefits?
Research has shown that the amount of allicin content in garlic can be significantly reduced by baking, boiling, heating, or pickling garlic.
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