Lots of sleep leads to headaches. Why is this the case? Sleep is a normal and repetitive process in which the brain and body have changed consciousness, decreased muscle activity, and decreased sensory activity but are more responsive than in a coma or a disorder of consciousness.
Our body naturally regenerates during sleep. After a good night’s sleep, we feel refreshed and energized.
However, if sleep causes moderate to severe headaches, it becomes an uncomfortable experience. If you have been experiencing excessive headaches due to oversleeping lately, it’s time to adjust your sleep pattern.
How Much Sleep Do You Need?
According to the CDC, adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep a night. However, the CDC does not have a maximum recommended sleep time for adults.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night, with 9 as the general upper limit.
If you sleep more than 9 hours a night and still don’t feel rested, consult your doctor: this may be a symptom of a more serious issue.
You may still be wondering, “Why do I get headaches if I sleep too much?” Here are some possible causes of headaches caused by oversleeping:
1. Serotonin Disruption
Serotonin (also called 5-HT) is one of the most widely distributed neurotransmitters in the body.
Serotonin plays a role in regulating many natural processes in the body. One of those processes is sleep regulation.
Serotonin plays an important role in the normal functioning of the brain, but when it is out of balance, it can cause headaches. Serotonin also plays a role in mood regulation.
When serotonin levels are low, it can lead to mood disorders like anxiety and depression. These mood disorders can also affect sleep patterns, which in turn can cause headaches.
But why do headaches happen? It’s a little more complicated than that. Here are some possible reasons.
2. Mild Dehydration & Hunger After Sleeping
Low blood sugar can lead to headaches. Dehydration can also cause headaches. When you sleep too much, your body doesn’t have enough time to digest food or drink, which can cause you to wake up with headaches. This is one of the most common reasons for sleeping in.
3. Bruxism, or grinding your teeth
Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is the most common cause of headaches after an oversleeping session.
Most people do not notice that they are grinding their teeth while sleeping. However, grinding teeth can cause jaw and neck pain, which can cause headaches.
Medical problems associated with Over-sleeping
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Cardiac diseases
- Death
- Depression
- Back pain
- Low socioeconomic status
4. Sleep Disorders
Have you ever gone to sleep for a long time and woke up feeling the same tired as before? If so, you may have a sleep disorder called sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea occurs when you are not breathing properly during sleep. This reduces the amount of oxygen your brain can absorb.
This can disrupt your sleep and cause you to wake up several times in the night without even realizing it. You may also experience headaches upon waking.
Other signs of sleep apnea may include snoring, fatigue, and drowsiness even after waking.
How to Relieve Headache While Sleeping
1. Hypnic Headache
Your doctor has prescribed lithium carbonate as a treatment. This drug is administered at bedtime in doses of 300 mg.
Be aware of all possible adverse effects and particular precautions when using this medication. Other medications that may be prescribed include:
- A calcium channel blocker
- Caffeine
- Topiramate
- Anti-inflammatories, like indomethacin
- Melatonin controls your sleep cycles
2. Sinus Headache
Consult your doctor to determine whether your sinus issues are caused by allergies or an infection. The headaches should go away after the sinus issues are resolved.
If bad sleeping posture is the source of your headaches, consider experimenting with different pillows and sleeping in a healthy position.
3. Headaches from Stress
During the day, manage your tension. Regularly exercise and engage in hobbies such as yoga or meditation. Make some time to unwind.
Ways to prevent Over-sleeping
Good sleep can help reduce or eliminate headaches. Some of the best ways to get a good night’s sleep include:
- Discipline sleeping: sleep and wake up at the same time each day
- Turning off all sources of radiation and blue light
- Creating an atmosphere and temperature
- Avoiding heavy food, hot drinks, and soft drinks just before sleep
- Using relaxation techniques before bed to manage anxiety and depression
A Word From GetMe Treated
There is no definitive answer as to why headaches are caused by oversleeping. However, several research studies suggest that most headaches are caused by disruption of the circadian rhythm.
In some cases, simply changing your lifestyle and maintaining a consistent sleep cycle can make a difference in headache relief.
FAQs Related To Lots Of Sleep Leads To Headaches
Does sleeping too much cause a headache?
If you sleep too much, you don’t have enough time to eat or drink, which can cause headaches.
Why do I always get a headache after sleeping?
Migraine, sleep apnea, and lack of sleep are common culprits
How many hours of sleep can cause headaches?
8 – 12 hours of sleep
How do you get rid of an oversleeping headache?
Use headache relievers or visit your doctor
Can too much sleep be harmful?
Along with insufficient sleep, too much sleep increases the risk of developing chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes, anxiety, and obesity in adults aged 45 and over.
How many hours is oversleeping?
8 or 9 hours of sleep per night
Can sleeping get rid of headaches?
According to research, yes!
Can oversleeping make you tired?
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