10 surprising health benefits of bitter leaf…
Bitter Leaf (Vernonia Amydalina) is one of the most popular medicinal plants we have on the planet. It grows everywhere. This wonder plant can be cultivated on any kind of soil.
What makes Bitter Leaf different from other plants is its bitterness. All aspects (leaf, stick, and root) of this plant are extremely bitter.
I’m not surprised that few people try to avoid the harshness of the Bitter Leaf. They prefer frozen yogurt, rolls, chocolate, and other sweet items.
The bitterness of this plant is healthy for our body system. To me in particular, this always reminds me that life is not always sweet, it’s full of ups and downs.
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Seriously, I’m not against sugary products, but too much intake of them may damage our body system within a short time frame.
Bitter herbs are very important to our body system, they neutralize and tone the vital organs (the kidney and the liver) of the body system.
Bitter Leaf is healthy for the care & proper function of the body system (kidney & liver). This is one of the main reasons why I refer to this wonder plant (Bitter Leaf) as a treatment FOR ALL kinds of diseases because if both kidney and liver are in a good healthy state, the entire general body system will automatically function well.
Bitter Leaf plants contain Saponin and Vernodalin Venomygdin. For the Bitter Leaf plant to function well, it must be taken in a raw form.
To perform this, plug the tender stem, and wash it with clean water, squeeze the leaves in ½ cup of drinkable water, extract the juice, add a little salt to taste, stir for about 30 seconds, and your Bitter Leaf juice is ready to consume.
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Bitter Leaf juice has numerous health benefits. The following are the 10 benefits of bitter leaf:
- Stomach ache
- Skin infection
- Pneumonia
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Loss of memory
- Prostate Cancer
- General-weakness
- Insomnia
- Arthritis
1. Stomach Pain
According to research, bitter leaf can be used as a remedy for stomach pain, skin infection, diabetes, sleeplessness, tooth pain, acne, lung infection, pneumonia, fire, arthritis, tiredness, cough, and hemorrhage.
The Bitter Leaf cures stomach aches in a minute. To do this, plug the tender stem, wash, and chew for about 1 – 2 minutes and swallow the juice.
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Alternatively, prepare the juice as was explained above. This procedure amazingly brings immediate relief.
2. Skin Infection
According to research, undiluted Bitter Leaf juice is an excellent treatment for any kind of skin infection such as eczema, ringworm, rashes, itches, and pimples.
To do this, simply apply the undiluted Bitter Leaf juice to the affected area daily until the skin infection vanishes.
3. Pneumonia
In research conducted in September 2012, bitter leave is an effective treatment for infections such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections (UTIs), bacteremia, etc.
For the treatment of Pneumonia, warm the Bitter Leaf juice and drink a full cup 3 times daily for 30 days.
NOTE 1: Always warm the juice each time you want to drink the juice.
NOTE 2: Storing Bitter Leaf juice for 24 hours or more reduces the bitterness. It’s advisable to make it fresh each time you are ready to consume it.
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4. Diabetes
Research shows that bitter leaves can be used for the treatment of diabetes. However, some diabetic patients still find it difficult to believe the wonder of Bitter Leaf for the treatment of diabetes.
In some parts of West African countries, Bitter Leaf has been used for diabetes treatment.
Bitter Leaf reduces the sugar level drastically and at the same time repairs the pancreas.
To treat diabetes with Bitter Leaf, cut or plug a handful of fresh Bitter Leaves and squeeze in 5 liters of drinkable water, extract the juice, and take 2 glasses of a cup every day (morning and in the evening). Take for 1 complete month.
5. Stroke
In a case study of farms in Nimo, fresh bitter leaf vegetables have the ability to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent some types of cancer, and lower the risk of eye and digestive problems.
Bitter Leaf juice calms the nerves and strengthens the muscles. Drinking 2 full glasses of a cup daily cleanses the body system automatically.
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6. Loss of Memory
Loss of memory is one of the prevalent ailments in our society today! Research shows that drinking bitter leaves every day can prevent memory loss.
For the treatment, take 1 glass cup of Bitter Leaf juice daily for 1 – 2 months.
7. Prostate Cancer
According to NCBI, prostate cancer used to be thought of as an older man’s disease, but today more than 10% of all new prostate cancer diagnoses occur in men aged 55 and older in the United States.
The primary symptom of glandular prostate cancer is painful urination.
Taking 1 glass cup of Bitter Leaf juice will reduce the pain and also increase the flow of urine. In less than 7 days, urine will begin to flow frequently and feel less pain.
8. General Weakness
In research conducted in March 2017, bitter leaves are very effective for the treatment of general weakness.
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For those who often feel extremely tired and weak before or after work, take (in the morning on an empty stomach, after, and 1 hour before you sleep) 3 glasses of Bitter Leaf juice on a daily basis for a complete 1 week.
9. Insomnia
Research shows the use of bitter leaf extract has been found to be beneficial for people who are suffering from insomnia.
Simple drink 2 glasses of fresh Bitter Leaf juice 2 hours before you sleep.
Optional: Add 1 – 2 spoons of undiluted honey.
10. Arthritis
Arthritis is one of the illnesses affecting people (most especially, older people) these days.
To treat Arthritis with Bitter Leaf juice, mix or blend bitter leaf with pure lemon juice.
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Drink a glass of cup for a complete 10 days. This preparation is amazing in treating Arthritis and it drastically reduces joint pain.
A Word From GeMe Treated
Bitter leaf can also be used & drink as tea! This bitter leaf tea is said to be very healthy & contains Vitamin C and other full of other vitamins and minerals that are good for the proper function of the body system (most especially, internal organs).
It helps get the internal organs clean. To make this healthy better leaf tea, use about 20 leaves for 4 dl water. You need to first wash the leaves, and pack them in a clean bowl.
Have your clean water boiled & allow it to cool for a few minutes (2 minutes) and pour the water over the bitter leaves.
Allow soaking for 15 – 20 minutes before you sieve and pour over to a clean cup.
FAQs Related To 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf
What can bitter leaf cure?
The roots and leaves of this plant are used in traditional medicine to help with fever, chills, kidney issues, and stomach issues.
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Is it good to drink bitter leaf everyday?
Taking bitter leaves on a regular basis can help keep your cholesterol levels in check, which can make you more likely to have a heart attack or stroke.
It can also be used to treat fever, joint pain, digestive issues, stomach pain, and even illnesses caused by parasites like malaria.
What does drinking bitter leaf water do to the body?
It helps your body get rid of bad free radicals, get rid of toxins, stops your body from releasing stress-related proteins, and messes with the way your DNA works, which can lead to cancer.
Is bitter leaf harmful to the kidney?
Traditionally, bitter leaf has been used to help with kidney stones because it helps with the flow of urine.
Is bitter leaf an antibiotic?
Bitter leaf extract has more antibacterial properties than regular antibiotics.
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Can bitter leaf cleanse the kidney?
Bitter leaf can also help purify the liver and kidneys, two of the most important organs in the body.
What is the importance of bitter leaf to man?
Bitter leaf has been used for centuries in traditional Nigerian medicine. It’s used to treat minor ailments like rashes, fever, stomach pain, insomnia, tooth pain, and general tiredness. It’s also been used to treat serious illnesses like arthritis.
Is it good to drink bitter-leaf water raw?
If you’re looking for a healthy drink, bitter-leaf water might be the way to go. It’s packed with vitamins like A and C, as well as E and B1 and B2, which can help boost your vision, and brain, and fight off the effects of toxins.
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