First aid is important for treating injuries and medical emergencies promptly. However, there are some helpful first-aid techniques that, when used incorrectly, can make the situation worse.
In this step-by-step guide, we look at the common 11 first-aid techniques that turn out to be harmful and provide tips on how to use safer first-aid techniques to improve your emergency response.
1. What to do if you have a poisoning
One of the biggest mistakes is not having enough water.
To flush your stomach, drink 10 to 20 cups of unfiltered water. After 1.5 to 2 cups, let the water run out.
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To induce vomiting, press down on the base of your tongue with two fingers. You may need to repeat this process several times until the water is clear.
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NOTE: Do not proceed with gastric lavage if a person is unconscious.
2. What to do if you have a nosebleed
One of the biggest mistakes is tilting your head back.
Get the person to sit up, tilt their head slightly forward so the blood is flowing, and press your fingers into the soft tissues of the nose for 10 minutes. Make sure the person spits out all the blood so it does not cause vomiting.
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NOTE: Cotton pads and tampons should not be used to plug the nose. This is only necessary if the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes. In this case, call your doctor right away.
3. What to do if you have a hypothermia
The main mistakes are snow, oil, or Vaseline which causes a rapid rise in body temperature.
First, put the person in a room with plenty of heat and cover the frozen body parts. Make sure the person is clothed in dry clothes and wrap them in warm blankets.
Second, make sure to provide the person with hot drinks and hot food.
4. What to do if you have a cardiac arrest
The biggest mistake is doing the same actions for people of different ages.
For adults, an indirect heart massage should be done with two hands. The base of your palm should press on your chest, and the thumb of your hand should be facing your chin or legs. For teenagers, the same actions should be done, but with the entire palm. For a baby, press with 2 fingers.
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NOTE: It is important to note that you can only do an indirect heart massage if the patient is lying on a flat and firm surface.
5. What to do if you have a burn
The biggest mistake is to take off your clothes and puncture the burn bubbles.
To help a burning victim, make them lie down and use your clothing to put out the fire, only if it’s non-flammable, then call a doctor.
If the burn is minor and doesn’t cause significant tissue damage, rinse the skin with warm water for 20 minutes, apply a sterile bandage, and place ice or something cold on top. Call a doctor when you’re done.
NOTE: If the burn is serious, it is important to give the patient some salt or water.
6. What to do if you have an airway obstruction
One of the biggest mistakes is attempting to resuscitate an unconscious victim with the Heimlich maneuver.
If the person suffocates or passes out, place them on their back and sit on their hips.
Place your hands on their costal arch and squeeze. Put them on one side and pull the foreign object out of their mouth with your fingers and a cloth.
If a child suffocates, place them on your left arm (or right arm if you are a left-handed person) with your head down and deliver 3 back blows. Then take their legs and flip them over.
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NOTE: It’s important to press a little higher than the rib cage when performing the Heimlich maneuver on a pregnant woman.
7. What to do if you have a dislocation
One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to put a joint back.
Only with an X-ray can we determine the type of dislocation. Therefore, all we can do is not allow the person to move the injured portion of the body. Do not bend or un-bend it.
Use any flat and narrow object to bind the injured portion and the nearest joints to immobilize it.
Use bandages to fix the brace lengthwise, except for the injured portion. If no suitable objects are available, attach an arm to the body and press and tighten a leg on the other leg.
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NOTE: It is important to note that bandages should not be applied too tightly. Circulation should remain normal.
8. What to do if you have a lower abdominal pain
One of the biggest mistakes people make is taking pain relievers or antispasmodics.
We’re often told to take pain relievers to relieve lower abdominal pain, but doctors tell us not to because if we stop feeling pain, we’ll miss the symptoms of life-threatening conditions like acute appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, or perforated perforation.
NOTE: The most important thing to remember is to call a doctor right away if you experience severe abdominal pain.
You should always contact a doctor or emergency medical service if you experience an emergency.
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We also suggest that you take first aid training so that you are always ready to help someone in an emergency.
9. Over cleaning wound
According to R Reid and JW Simcock, it’s important to clean wounds to avoid infection, over-cleaning or using harsh chemicals can cause damage to sensitive tissues and worsen pain.
Rinse wounds gently with water or a salt solution to remove debris and dirt, sparing the injured area from unnecessary trauma.
10. Applying a tourniquet in the wrong place
While tourniquets can be used to help control severe bleeding, they should not be used in the wrong place or at the wrong time.
Too tight or too tightly applied can impede blood circulation to the injured limb, resulting in tissue damage or even limb loss.
When applying the tourniquets, it is important to apply them as close to the injury as possible and to release them as soon as possible after professional medical help has arrived.
What is a Tourniquet? Tourniquets are a type of medical device designed to stop bleeding by restricting blood flow to an affected area. They are used to prevent bleeding to death in emergencies.
11. Misuse of neck braces
Neck braces are designed to immobilize the cervical spine in the event of a suspected neck injury.
Inaccurate use of neck braces without proper assessment can cause spinal cord damage or block airways, which can be dangerous.
Only trained professionals should use neck braces after a thorough assessment of the patient’s condition.
What are neck braces? A neck brace is a device worn around the neck to support the head and neck after an injury or surgery.
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A Word From GetMe Treated
While first aid is important to provide immediate care in emergencies, it’s also important to use the right techniques to prevent injury.
By knowing the risks associated with common first aid procedures and staying up to date on safer alternatives, you’ll be better prepared to respond to medical emergencies while reducing the risk of accidental injury.
Don’t forget that proper training and education are important for providing effective first-aid interventions.
First Aid Techniques That Turn Out to Be Harmful FAQs
What are life-threatening conditions in first aid?
Shock and loss of consciousness
Can incorrect first aid be harmful?
Sometimes, they do more harm than good.
What not to do in emergency first aid?
Do not feed or give the person any food or drink unless a medical professional advises.
What are the 4 life-threatening emergencies?
Loss of consciousness, cognitive impairment, loss of blood flow, head injury, and respiratory issues
What is recommended not to be in a first aid box and why?
Inflammable substances are not recommended
Are you liable for harm if first aid or CPR goes wrong?
He or she is not liable for any injuries or fatalities.
Which two items should not be kept in a first aid box?
Don’t keep tablets and medications in your first-aid kit.
What is the only thing a first aider Cannot do?
The reason why a first aider can’t give you drugs without a prescription is because they’re not doctors and they don’t have the training or experience to prescribe or give you drugs.
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