Should you drink 8 glasses of water per day? There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. According to CDC, the recommended amount of water for men is 125 ounces per day and 91 ounces for women, but this includes water from all food and drink sources.
Most people drink plenty of water unless they are under extreme heat stress or are very physically active for extended periods of time.
It’s no secret that water is good for you, but many people still don’t drink enough of it each day and don’t realize how important it is.
Many people don’t even drink the minimum amount of water each day, which means they’re dehydrated all the time.
Dehydration can lead to tiredness, headaches, loss of focus, and other health issues. It’s estimated that about 80% of the American population is dehydrated at least once a week!
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Because so many people opt for coffee, soda, or other beverages instead of drinking water, they’re simply not getting the hydration they need.
Water makes up two-thirds of the body’s mass. We shed water every second through sweat and saliva and other bodily fluids.
We need to make sure our internal water reserves are constantly replenished to maintain optimal health and vitality.
How much water should kids drink each day?
Here’s a graph from the National Academies of Medicine showing how much your child should drink each day based on age and gender.
4 to 8 | All children | 7 |
9 to 13 | Male | 10 |
9 to 13 | Female | 9 |
14 to 18 | Male | 14 |
14 to 18 | Female | 10 |
Why is it important to drink a certain amount of water each day?
Your body uses and loses a lot of water every day, so it’s important to make sure you’re drinking enough of it throughout the day.
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Water is lost during a variety of bodily functions, like urinating, passing stool, perspiration, and even breathing.
Make sure you’re drinking water regularly throughout the day, not just once or at the end of each day.
What Are the Benefits of Drinking Water Throughout the Day?
Below is a brief overview of some of the benefits of drinking water on a regular basis:
- Prevent kidney stones
- Cleanse the body of toxins
- Moisten the lungs
- Replaces the fluids lost in sweat
- Drink water reverses the effects of aging
- Drink water increases metabolism
- Drink water helps you to lose weight
- Helps the kidneys to remove waste
- Drink water does not prevent water retention
- Transmit nutrients and oxygen into the blood and tissues
- Drink water improves the appearance and quality of the skin
In order to reap the benefits of daily water intake and prevent dehydration, it is important to understand how many glasses per day you should be drinking.
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Many people think they drink plenty of water, but a large number of people are actually living in a continuous dehydration state without even realizing it.
Here’s a simple calculation to help you figure out how much water you should be drinking each day:
For every pound of your body weight, you’ll need to drink about ½ ounce of water. So, if your body weight is 150 pounds, your daily water intake should be 75 ounces.
Since each cup of water contains 8 ounces, that’s about 9.4 servings per day. That’s almost five tall glasses per day if you’re very physically active.
You’ll also need to increase your daily water intake by 2/3 ounces for every pound you weigh.
There are many benefits to drinking water daily, but it’s important to be mindful of the water quality you’re drinking. Water filtration systems may need to be purchased depending on your location.
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FAQs Related To Should You Drink 8 Glasses Of Water Per Day
What happens when you start drinking enough water?
Drinking plenty of water can help improve your physical performance, reduce the risk of headaches, constipation, and more.
About 60% of the human body is water. The 8×8 rule states that you should drink 8 glasses of water (237 ml) per day.
How do you know if you are drinking too much water?
You might start to feel disoriented, sleepy, or have headaches. If your blood pressure gets too high, it can lead to things like high blood pressure and low heart rate.
The electrolyte that’s most affected by high blood pressure is sodium, which is what causes hyponatremia.
Should I drink more water if I urinate frequently?
If you have an overactive bladder, more fluid means more trips to the toilet. Carbonated fluids can make your symptoms worse. Too little fluid isn’t good either.
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Why do I urinate immediately after drinking water?
While the size of the glass isn’t mentioned, feeling like you’re urinating right after drinking a glass of water could be your body’s way of trying to get rid of excess water that’s built up in your body to prevent it from backing up into your brain and lungs, where it can cause serious health problems.
How to drink water correctly?
Try to have some water that’s just a touch too hot. Take a seat while drinking it, and take it slow.
Start your day by drinking a glass of boiling water, and don’t drink it while you’re eating. Here are 5 pillows that can help with neck pain, so you can get a good night’s sleep.
Is peeing every 2 hours normal?
Every woman menstruates at her own pace, but in general, it is normal to urinate 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period for a healthy, non-pregnant woman.
If you are urinating more than this, you may be suffering from frequent urination. Regular urination can occur on its own and is not always indicative of a health issue.
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What is normal and how often do you need to pee?
The average number of times a person urinates is 7 to 8 times a day. However, if you feel the urge to urinate more than 7 times a day or if you get up to pee every hour or every 30 minutes, you may be experiencing frequent urination.
What happens when you drink water before bed?
Lowers blood pressure and heart rate
How soon do you see the benefits of drinking water?
If you’re drinking water and you’re curious about how long it’ll take to see benefits, the Mayo Clinic says it’ll happen almost immediately if you’re dehydrated.
If you don’t drink any water, you’re likely still getting fluids through food and other drinks, the Mayo Clinic explains. If you’re thirsty, drink water.
Does tea count as water intake?
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While caffeine does act as a diuretic, the amount in tea is relatively small, so it won’t affect your hydration levels much.
Decaffeinated tea, on the other hand, can count towards your hydration goals because it’s considered just as good as regular water.
What happens if you don’t drink enough water every day?
Dehydration can affect almost every part of your body, but more severe dehydration can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention, Hoyt says.
You may feel dizzy or faint.
Without adequate water, your blood volume and blood pressure drop, making it difficult for your brain to get enough blood.
How to know if you’re drinking enough water?
The easiest way to tell is to check your urine. If it’s pale yellow, like lemonade, then you’re likely getting enough fluid. But if it’s darker like apple cider, it could be a sign that you need to drink more water.
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Can you drink too much water?
Yes, you can drink too much water. It’s not something that the average person should worry about. It’s more common in people who run marathons or participate in endurance sports.
When you’re working out for long periods of time and losing electrolytes through sweating, you want to make sure you don’t overhydrate.
Why do you have to drink water first thing in the morning?
The more water you drink on an empty stomach, the better your body’s ability to fight infections.
As mentioned earlier, drinking water immediately after waking up will help clear your body of toxins.
Since water helps your body stay hydrated, it plays an important role in the proper functioning of your internal organs.
What happens if I only drink water and no other drinks?
Not only does this result in poor fluid balance, but it can also lead to chronic health issues.
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While it’s important to drink plenty of water every day, just drinking water isn’t enough to keep you hydrated.
To stay hydrated, you’ll need to replace your fluids and electrolytes.
A Word From GetMe Treated
Should you drink 8 glasses of water per day? There’s no specific limit to how much water you can drink in a day, but it’s more likely that you’ll drink more than your kidneys can handle in that amount of time.
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