Many physical and genetic characteristics are inherited by both parents, but there are a few characteristics that are primarily inherited by the father.
In our biology class, we were told that we get half of our genes from our mothers and half from our fathers.
However, this biological fact doesn’t mean that every parent passes down the same amount of physical traits and genetic traits to their child.
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Children inherit 60% more active traits in their fathers than they do in their mothers, simply because nature favors the expression of those traits.
Here are some of the 6 traits that you can only inherit from your father:
1. Sneezing
Most of us have at least one of those people who sneeze at the sight of the sun or any bright lights. This is another inherited trait from the father. It is called Achoo syndrome. It is more common on the father’s side.
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2. Gender
The X and Y chromosomes, also called sex chromosomes, determine the sex of the child. Girls inherit the sex chromosome XX from their father, which leads to the genotype XX.
Males inherit the sex chromosome Y from their father, leading to the genotype XY. Since the mother only passes on the X chromosome, the father has complete control over the sex of the newborns.
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3. Crooked teeth
If the father has bad teeth, the child has a higher chance of going to the dentist more often than other children, even if the mother has good teeth. Cavities, tooth decay and everything in between can stem directly from the father’s mouth.
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4. Fingerprints
No two fingerprints are the same because they are unique. However, a child’s fingerprints can look like their father’s fingerprints. Fingerprint patterns are inherited from our fathers.
5. Dimples
Many cultures consider dimples to be a sign of beauty and attraction. However, researchers classify them as a defect caused by the reduction of facial muscles. Because dimples are a dominant inherited trait, they are more likely to be inherited by the father.
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6. Height
Have you ever heard the saying, “He’s just as tall as his dad”? Well, it’s safe to say that this statement is backed up by science.
A person’s height is determined by 700+ genetic variations that are passed down from both parents.
However, different parents’ height genes work in different ways. For instance, the father’s genes play an important role in promoting growth and thus height.
6 Traits That You Can Only Inherit From Your Father FAQs
Can you inherit male-pattern baldness from your father?
Yes, male-typical baldness is mainly caused by the Y chromosome, which is inherited from the father.
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Are there any genetic disorders that sons can exclusively inherit from their fathers?
Yes, you are the only inheritor of some rare genetic disorders. These include Y-linked Hearing Loss and Y-linked Infertility.
Can daughters inherit traits from their fathers?
While daughters are born with both parents’ genetic material, they don’t inherit traits that are located on the “Y” chromosome, like Y-linked disorders.
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What are some examples of traits that are determined by genes passed down from the father?
- Y-related disorders
- Male-pattern baldness
- Y-chromosomal haplogroups
- Paternal lineage
Is it true that some traits are exclusively inherited from the father?
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Yes, certain genetic traits are solely inherited from the father because they are located on the “Y” chromosome. These “male” traits include:
- Y-linked genetic disorders
- Certain aspects of male fertility
- Certain behavioral traits
What are examples of traits inherited only from the father?
Examples of Y-related genetic disorders include:
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- Color blindness
- Male pattern baldness
- Sperm production and fertility
- Behavioral traits
- Paternal inheritance patterns
Can traits inherited from the father skip generations?
Yes, inherited traits can pass down to future generations, particularly if they’re recessive, or if other genetic factors affect how they’re expressed.
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For example, if you inherit a trait from your father but it’s not expressed in a single generation, it can be passed down to future generations if it’s passed down from your father to your son. Environmental factors can also affect how inherited traits are expressed.