Callus remover for feet home remedy is easier than you think. Like me, you probably know how painful foot calluses can be. I’ve experienced them on occasion.
Calluses on the feet can cause severe pain. But getting rid of calluses on your feet doesn’t have to be tough.
You must realize that pressure or irritation on your foot or in your shoes can result in a callus on your foot. Worn-out shoes, socks left on the floor, and tight shoes can all be the cause.
Attack the Foot Callus
Let’s discuss how to treat calluses on our feet and use some tried-and-true, yet highly effective at-home methods to get rid of them.
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First, identify the source of the callus
- Get rid of the source of the pressure
- Change your shoes for more appropriate ones that provide a balanced distribution of weight.
- Buy in callus pads to place in the bottom of your shoes.
Second, find relief from the callus pain on your feet.
Foot Massager
- Reduce the length of time spent on high-demand activities such as walking to ease the strain on your feet.
- To relieve dryness, moisten the affected area.
- Have a massage for your feet.
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Third – callus remover for feet home remedy
1. Epsom Salt Soak
Soaking the affected area in warm water containing Epsom salts is one of the most widely used DIY methods for removing calluses from the feet.
This will soften the area, which will naturally make it much easier to brush off the rough skin and prevent infection on your foot.
- Fill a bathtub with hot water and a small amount of Epsom salts. Give it a good stir.
- Let your feet sit in this mixture for 10 minutes.
- For several minutes, massage the afflicted area in a circular manner using a pumice stone.
- Use clean water to wash your feet to get rid of dead skin cells.
- After patting dry, coat your feet with a foot lotion.
- Use this treatment again as necessary until the callus cures fully.
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2. Bread and Vinegar
A bread and distilled vinegar paste is another highly efficient home cure for removing foot calluses and calluses in general. It softens the callused skin and reduces the risk of infection.
- Soak your feet in warm water, then rub the afflicted region with a pumice stone.
- Clean and dry your feet.
- Soak a half slice of bread in 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar.
- Wrap the moistened bread around the callus and secure it with a bandage.
- Leave it overnight.
- The following morning, remove the bandage and apply some moisturizing lotion.
- Repeat daily at night until you achieve the desired outcome.
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3. Baking Soda
Baking soda is a natural exfoliator, making it an excellent cure for foot callus removal and calluses in general. Baking soda crystals help to exfoliate tough skin.
- Add three tablespoons of baking soda to a tub full of warm water.
- Stir thoroughly, then bathe your feet for at least 10 minutes.
- Wash your feet in clean water.
- Scrub the soft skin with a pumice stone.
You can also massage the callus for a few minutes using a mixture of three parts baking soda and one part water. Rinse off the paste and gently wipe with a pumice stone.
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4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Its acidic nature softens the firm skin, making foot callus removal much easier. It can also help to speed up the healing process.
- Before bed, soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and tape it to your callus.
- Leave it overnight.
- The next morning, scrub the afflicted region with a pumice stone.
- Apply olive or coconut oil to keep the area hydrated.
- Repeat once a day until the callus is gone.
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5. Aspirin
Aspirin can loosen the firm skin around a foot callus, allowing for simple removal. Additionally, it will assist in easing the discomfort produced by the callus. Simply follow these steps:
- Crush five or six aspirin tablets into powder.
- Add one-half teaspoon lemon juice and one-fourth teaspoon water to the powder and stir thoroughly.
- Apply the paste to the affected region and cover with a plastic bag.
- Wrap it with a warm towel for ten minutes.
- Remove the coverings and clean the area with warm water.
- Remove the dead skin cells with a pumice stone.
- Repeat once a day for several days.
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6. Lemon
Lemon juice and lemon peel are very effective home remedies for removing foot calluses. The acidic properties of lemon will help remove the callus quickly. Furthermore, it will aid in relieving the ache. Let’s get into it:
- Place a little piece of lemon peel on the callus.
- Apply a bandage to the peel to keep it in place.
- Leave it on overnight.
- The next morning, massage the callus with your favorite pumice stone. Next, replace the peel with a fresh one.
- Repeat daily for a few days until the callus is gone.
Another way with lemons:
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- Soak a cotton ball in fresh lemon juice and apply it to the affected region.
- Wrap it in a bandage and leave it overnight.
- The following morning, replace the cotton ball with a fresh one soaked in lemon juice.
- Continue until no callus remains on your foot.
A Word From GetMe Treated
You can use any of these callus removers for feet home remedies once a day until your feet appear healthy again. All the best!
Callus Remover For Feet Home Remedy FAQs
How do you get rid of a callus on your feet?
Soaking your callus in warm water mixed with 5 tablespoons of castor oil should moisturize the rough skin while also soothing the affected area.
How do I get rid of calluses at home?
Warm water soaks, medicinal peels, urea moisturizer, and petrolatum are all effective ways to soften and reduce calluses at home.
What is the best treatment for calluses?
The most effective therapy for calluses is to remove whatever is producing friction on the skin.
How do I get rid of calluses on my feet & elbows?
Here is our procedure. If you have calluses on your feet or elbows, use a pumice stone to gently remove them after soaking the region in water.