Zicam’s sore throat remedy is a homeopathic remedy. Zicam sore throat remedy products are sold over the counter and contain zinc, which may shorten colds. The new products are plant-based and have less side effects.
Zicam sore throat remedy Oral Products
There are different Zicam products (for Zicam sore throat remedy) you can take by mouth for cold symptoms:
– Zicam RapidMelts
– Oral Mist
– Ultra Crystals
– Medicated Fruit Drops
– Wild Cherry Lozenges
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Zinc acetate and zinc gluconate lozenges target rhinoviruses in the mouth and throat and can help reduce colds by 33%. Zinc is safe when taken by mouth, but has side effects like nausea and a bad taste.
Zicam sore throat remedy Products
The active ingredients in Zicam nasal products are highly diluted extracts of three plants from Mexican, Central American, and South American traditional medicine:
– Sabadilla
– Galphimia glauca
– Luffa operculate
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Homeopathy uses plant extracts for cold symptoms, but research is lacking.
Essential oils are included in the inactive ingredients:
– Eucalyptol (from eucalyptus)
– Menthol (from peppermint)
– Eugenol (from clove oil)
Is Zicam Clinically Proven?
Zicam’s nasal products are clinically proven but only link to studies.
The FDA warned against using Zicam nasal spray or gel swabs due to potential side effects, leading to the recall of those products.
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Who Can Use Zicam Sore Throat Remedy?
Zicam should only be given to children if their pediatrician approves it, and should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to lack of research.
How to Make Use of Zicam
Instructions for use differ between oral and nasal versions.
Oral Zicam Sore Throat Remedy
There are a few things to keep in mind when taking oral Zicam Cold Remedy products:
Oral Zicam should be taken every three hours, not on an empty stomach.
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Nasal Zicam Sore Throat Remedy
Zicam Cold Remedy can be used as a nasal spray or swab:
Massage gel-based spray into nasal tissues for five seconds.
Both nasal sprays should be administered every four hours until your symptoms improve.
A Word From GetMe Treated
Oral Zicam products claim to relieve cold symptoms and decrease the duration of a cold, but there is little proof that they are safe and effective.
Because zinc has the potential for major side effects, the current nasal Zicam solutions do not use it; instead, the nasal formulae are plant-based.
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Zicam is intended for use by adults and children over the age of 12. Zicam products should not be used by young children, and they should not be used if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
You can give Zicam’s sore throat remedy a try today! If you have any questions, free-free to contact us or comment on this post!