Vitamin D foods in Nigeria are normal and easily available, however, a lot of people are unaware of exactly how to obtain this essential vitamin in their own diet plan.
Surprisingly, vitamin D is sometimes referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” since the skin produces D vitamin when exposed to sunlight.
However, even though the body produces it naturally, you can become deficient in this vitamin, especially if you work indoors or don’t get much direct sunlight exposure.
According to this knowledge, you may feel that the only way to receive adequate levels of vitamin D is to spend time in the sun.
Nonetheless, you can get a lot of this vitamin from your diet simply by eating commonly available foods.
Actually, there are many vitamin D foods that in Nigeria that can provide the body with adequate amounts of this vitamin.
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Nutritionists and dietitians have long recognized that there are numerous animal products that are high in vitamin D. Fish that are high in fat are usually the finest resources.
Furthermore, eggs may be a good source because the yolks contain them in reasonable amounts.
Wild salmon, catfish, cod liver oil, sardines, tuna, and organic egg yolk are all good sources of vitamin D foods in Nigeria.
Vegetarians and Vitamin D
Vegetarians may have difficulty getting Vitamin D through their diets. Lacto-vegetarians should have no issue getting enough of this vitamin because it is commonly found in milk products.
For persons who are not strict vegetarians, a quick and easy way to acquire enough of this vitamin is to consume dairy products on a daily basis.
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However, because strict vegans do not consume any animal-based foods, they may be unable to rely on dairy products as a source of vitamin D.
Furthermore, because fresh mushrooms are the only organic vegan vitamin D foods, strict vegans may need to supplement their diet plan to prevent vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D Supplementation
As previously stated, there are numerous food sources of vitamin D.
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As a result, you have a little more leeway in terms of the types of foods you can eat to get enough vitamin D in your diet.
A regular diet of dairy products and seafood should be adequate to meet the recommended daily limits for this vitamin.
But what if you don’t like seafood or milk products, or if you have an adverse reaction to them?
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If you are not able to ingest vitamin D-containing foods, or if you are unable to obtain vitamin D through sunlight exposure, you may need to take a multivitamin pill supplement that contains D vitamin.
It is undoubtedly beneficial to learn more about the health supplements you may use to get the necessary amounts of vitamin D and maintain your body strong and healthy.
As a result, if you do not consume vitamin D meals, you will need to take a health supplement to avoid deficiency.
The sun is rising…
The most effective way to absorb Vitamin D is to expose your skin to sunlight (without sunscreen).
Getting out in the sun for 10-15 minutes per day with about 40% of your skin exposed is a good rule of thumb, but people with darker skin may require significantly more exposure.
The primary benefit of using sunshine for your Vitamin D requirements is that you don’t have to worry as much about testing your Vitamin D levels. The extra Vitamin D is really destroyed by sunlight.
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However, you never want to burn your skin while out in the sun. The idea is to get outside on a regular basis.
Also, because vitamin D from the sun is oil-soluble, you should wait to shower after being in the sun to allow your body to absorb the Vitamin D it has just produced.
Vitamin D Foods in Nigeria – They’re no longer just for breakfast…
We used to believe that drinking a little vitamin D-fortified milk would be sufficient to keep our bones healthy, but new research shows that this is not the case. You’d have to drink roughly 40 glasses of water every day!
Other vitamin D-rich foods include eggs, fish, and organic meats. Vitamin D is also found in animal fats and cod liver oil.
The majority of people just do not eat enough of these foods to meet their daily requirements.
Don’t stop consuming these items, but be aware that your body will most certainly be low in Vitamin D if you rely solely on nutrition.
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What is the daily recommended vitamin D intake?
The daily recommended dose of vitamin D is 400 IU (international units). The US Food and Drug Administration develops daily values to help provide a basic guideline, however, doses of 1,000 to 2,000 IU or more daily are not unusual.
A Word From GetMe Treated
Good vitamin D foods in Nigeria include cod liver oil, mackerel, sardines, salmon, eggs, herring, raw maitake mushrooms, and yogurt.