Cardamom comes from the Elettaria family of plants and it has been used in multiple parts of the world as an aromatic spice, known for its distinct fragrance.
Cardamom can be used in curries, bread, rice, and liquid preparations and it also contains numerous health benefits that you should know about. Read on to learn about them all!
8 Reasons You Should Add Cardamom
This incredible spice isn’t just for curries, it can also be used in teas and baked goods. Here are eight (8) main reasons why you should add cardamom to your daily diet:
- Helps with Weight Loss
- Eases Digestion
- Improves Heart
- Relieves Pain
- Boosts Immune System
- Helps you sleep better
- Lowers cholesterol level
- Helps with Weight Loss
When consumed regularly, cardamom can help you lose weight. One study found that people who drank a cup of water containing ground cardamom every day for eight weeks had a higher rate of weight loss than people who didn’t use it.
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The more you consume, and the longer you consume it, the higher the weight loss.
Studies have shown that cardamom can help aid in burning fat and suppress appetite.
1. Eases Digestion
If you suffering from severe acid reflux or heartburn, adding cardamom to your daily diet may help ease your symptoms.
A study published (Phytotherapy Research) found that drinking an infusion made from ground cardamom seeds helped ease indigestion caused by excess stomach acid.
2. Improves Heart Health
Several studies suggest that consuming small amounts of cardamom may be beneficial to heart health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure.
3. Relieves Pain
Studies have shown that when taken in small doses, cardamom has been effective at relieving pain.
In one study, participants were given either 400 mg of powdered ginger (which contains some amount of cardamom) or a placebo before undergoing a painful procedure involving injections into their jaw muscles.
Those who took ginger reported less pain than those who took a placebo.
4. Boosts Immune System
According to several studies, consuming cardamom may boost immune system function. In one study, patients suffering from type-2 diabetes were given either 500 mg of powdered ginger daily or a placebo for three months.
At the end of three months, patients taking ginger had lower levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is associated with inflammation and cardiovascular disease risk factors.
5. Helps You Sleep Better
Adding cardamom to your morning and evening tea helps improve your sleep quality.
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One study (random sampling) found that participants who drank chai tea made from cardamom experienced improved sleep quality compared to those who did not drink chai tea.
Researchers believe that cardamom’s effect on sleep could be due to its high concentration of aromatic compounds called terpenes, which are known to promote relaxation.
6. Treats Nausea
Ginger is often used as a natural remedy for nausea, but cardamom also works well to combat nausea and vomiting.
7. Treats Diarrhea
Drinking chai tea made with cardamom will soothe diarrhea symptoms because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
8. Lowers Cholesterol Levels
Cardamom helps lower LDL cholesterol levels while increasing HDL cholesterol levels without affecting triglyceride levels in healthy adults according to one study published in Food Science & Nutrition Journal.
How to Use
Drinking your hot beverages (tea and coffee) and adding cardamom pods to them is extremely healthy. It’s healthy and wonderful in spicy curries, rice dishes, and bread.
You can also include a dash of cardamom to freshly citrus juice for a healthy alternative to sweetened drinks at home or when dining out.
You can also try adding cardamom to your next alcoholic beverage. Since it’s aromatic and has a robust, woody flavor, cardamom complements bold liquors such as whiskey and rum.
Try substituting one or two pods in your favorite recipes for gingerbread cookies, desserts, and cheesecake to take advantage of its versatility.
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Alternatively, you can infuse your tea by placing a few cardamom pods at the bottom of a pot before pouring in boiling water.
Use Cardamom For Medicinal Purposes
Cardamom can help ease respiratory ailments and digestive problems, including indigestion, bloating, and flatulence.
If you’re feeling under the weather or experiencing an upset stomach from too much holiday cheer, try steeping two to three pods in hot water with a bit of honey to soothe your symptoms.
You can also mix it with turmeric to make a natural mouthwash.
To preserve cardamom’s flavor, store it in an airtight container in a cool and dry place.
Never leave cardamom pods or ground powder out on your countertop or in any containers that allow for moisture to enter as it will quickly lose its freshness.
You can also purchase cardamom whole and then grind it yourself with a coffee grinder when you need to use it—however, be sure to clean your grinder after each use.
Although cardamom comes from a tropical plant, it’s a popular spice in several regions around the world.
Cardamom is used not only as a food flavoring but also as an important ingredient in perfumes, soaps, and incense.
When shopping for whole pods or ground powder of cardamom, look for bright green pods with brown seeds inside that are plump to the touch.
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It’s possible to grow your cardamom at home if you have a sunny spot in your yard.
Use green, paper-thin pods for both culinary and medicinal purposes, or use brown pods for cooking alone.
Green pods can be cut open and used as is, while brown pods need to be opened before being used in recipes.
Is Cardamom Good for the kidneys?
Like its related spices, cumin, and fennel, cardamom contains a compound called methyl chavicol, which has been found to have diuretic properties.
This means that it is good for helping to flush out dangerous toxins and reduce water retention in your body system.
As such, people who are suffering from edema (swelling caused by fluid build-up) can benefit from cardamom’s kidney-friendly properties.
Since it has diuretic properties, cardamom can also benefit those suffering from kidney stones.
In addition to relieving some pain associated with kidney stones, cardamom can also promote urination, which helps to flush out these tiny crystals from your system.
As such, people suffering from kidney stones should try adding cardamom to their diet.
Is Cardamom Good For Hair?
Both black and green cardamom can be used as a natural treatment for hair loss.
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The essential oils found in cardamom stimulate blood flow to hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and increasing overall
hair volume.
Additionally, cardamom helps eliminate dandruff while reducing scalp irritation.
Black cardamom is best suited for use on all types of hair, while green tends to be more beneficial for thinning or sensitive scalp issues.
Is Cardamom Good for Weight Loss?
Not only is cardamom beneficial for hair, but it’s also been shown to reduce body fat and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Cardamom contains polyphenols which have been shown to fight oxidative stress and prevent premature aging, protecting cells from free radical damage.
Additionally, cardamom is high in fiber and low in both carbs and calories, making it a powerful spice when it comes to losing weight.
Does Cardamom Give energy?
If you start your day with a cup of cardamom tea, you might be surprised at how it can get you out of bed and running.
The spice boosts circulation and helps to keep blood sugars regulated, which means that you’ll have more energy during and after your morning workout than if you didn’t add cardamom to your routine.
Where to Buy
If you’re interested in trying cardamom, make sure to get it from a reputable spice store or market. Many grocery stores sell low-quality cardamom, which will quickly lose its flavor and aroma when exposed to air.
Look for ground cardamom that has been vacuum-sealed or packaged in an opaque container.
Once you know where to buy cardamom, it’s time to decide how you want to use it. This spice is perfect for flavoring coffee and tea, but can also add a unique touch to your baked goods or curries.
Cardamom has been used for many years, both as a spice & for its medicinal properties.
This powerful herb is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan, but it is grown in other countries around the world.
The main reason cardamom has been used for so long is because it has a uniquely rich flavor that comes from volatile oils found in each seed pod.
A Word From GetMe Treated
You can take advantage of cardamom’s natural, energy-boosting properties by adding it to your coffee or tea in small amounts.
Start by incorporating one teaspoon at a time, and work your way up to two tablespoons per day over time.
Make sure that you only use organic cardamom when you incorporate it into your daily routine as non-organic varieties may contain high levels of fluoride.