You are welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus. Do you always forget your dreams? If yes, this article explains how to remember your dreams when you wake up.
Remembering your dreams is one of the most important things you can do to receive divine advice, knowledge, and revelation from God.
Throughout the Bible, we have seen dreams used as a way for God to communicate with people, sending them messages, warning them, and offering them prophecies.
Joseph, Daniel, et al. in the Old Testament received important insights from their dreams.
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In this post, we will look at 12 ways you can remember your dreams so you can wake up feeling refreshed and refreshed.
How To Remember Your Dreams When You Wake Up
Here are ways you can remember your spiritual dreams always:
1. Pray for mercy
Prayer of mercy is what I call the first thing you need to do to get your dreams back.
When you forget your dream so often that it becomes a habit, you need to say, “Oh God, have mercy on me”.
No matter what it is that makes you forget your dreams so that you can’t choose the important message you have for you, praying of mercy will restore your spiritual capacity to retain divine revelation revealed to you in your dreams.
When Daniel asked the Lord for mercy for the King, God revealed the King’s dream to him while he was sleeping.
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Daniel 2:18 “He asked them to ask the God of heaven for his mercy on this matter, so that he and his friends might not be executed along with the otherwise people of Babylon. Then, in the night, the secret was revealed to him in a vision, and he rejoiced in the God of heaven”.
2. Forgiveness
If you are the kind of person who lists down the names of the people who insult you, including their first, last, and middle names, as well as the date, time, and place of the offense, and you have a detailed account of how the offense was committed, it is difficult for you to see the new things that God is doing.
The old things in your mind block access to the new message that is supposed to come to you.
When you have old grudges in your heart, old bitterness, old malice, old fights, and all sorts of negative things that you allow to stay in your mind, it makes it difficult for God to reveal the new things that are coming to you.
The King of the Magi was so angry that he gave a decree that all of his magicians would be executed if they did not tell him about his dream.
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The book of John 1 1:9 says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If you don’t let go of the past or the things you’ve gone through, the bitterness will take up more space in your mind, body, soul, and spirit and it’ll be hard to let new things in.
Just like your phone doesn’t have full memory, you can’t add new files without deleting old ones.
This is the same with your thoughts. You need to let go of all the bitterness, resentment, anger, fights, and old stuff from your mind so you can start to let go and let your dreams come back to you.
3. Always revise
When we wake up from a dream, most of the time we don’t take the time to remember what the dream meant. But it’s also one of the most important ways to improve your memory and remember your dream.
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When you retrace your memory for the important parts of your dream, even if you’re sleepy, your dream will become very easy to recall later.
4. Sleep position
This is also supported by science. Remember that God provides the knowledge for science. Make sure you sleep in a comfortable position that allows you to flow freely into the divine world.
The body is the vessel of the spirit, but without wisdom in taking care of the body, the spirit will not manifest.
Sleep in a comfortable position and when you wake, you will remember your dreams. Make time out of your daily routine to go for walks, exercise, eat well, and surround yourself with positive things that make you happy.
With the help of a spiritual dream interpreter, you will be able to decipher the meaning behind your dreams.
It’s your job to figure out what your dreams mean one-on-one. Dreams don’t mean the same to everyone, and you need to make sure your dream interpreter is spiritually sound. From this day forward, remember your dreams in the name of Jesus.
5. Seek spiritual guidance and discernment
Find a spiritual mentor, pastor, or counselor who can help you understand the spiritual meaning of your dreams biblically.
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Share your dream experiences with people you trust who can pray for you, interpret your dreams, and help you understand them in a way that is in line with biblical principles.
Invite the Holy Spirit.
6. Set your intentions before sleep
Before you go to sleep, make a list of things you want to remember about your dreams during the night.
Say a prayer or affirm that you want to remember your dreams so that God can show you his wisdom and love.
Give your subconscious mind over to the Holy Spirit, and let God use your dreams to show you, His will.
A Word From GetMe Treated
Waking up from a dream isn’t just a practical skill. It’s a spiritual experience that can strengthen your connection with God and improve your spiritual growth.
When you use biblical principles, pray, be mindful, and practice spiritual discernment in your dream recall practice, you create a holy space for God to communicate and reveal through the mysterious world of dreams.
Believe in God, stay open to God’s message, and let the Holy Spirit show you the spiritual truths that are inside your dreams.
Pray these prayers before you go to bed: Prayer To Remember Dreams
How To Remember Your Dreams When You Wake Up FAQs
Why can’t I remember my dream when I wake up?
Dreams are stored mainly in the brain’s short-term memory. Short-term memory is very unstable, unlike long-term memory. Dream memories tend to disappear quickly.
This is because the brain needs to clear the memory of the dream to make room for new information.
How can I make myself remember my dreams?
One of the best ways to improve your dream recall is to spend time and attention on your dreams.
The best time for you to remember your dreams is within the first 90 seconds of waking up.
You can also improve your dream recall by keeping a dream journal or talking to your partner about your dreams.
How can I get my dreams back?
Wake up slowly.
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How can I have the same dream again?
As you fall asleep, immerse yourself in your dream. If your mind wanders, try to bring it back to you.
Is it a message if you remember your dreams?
Dreams are messages sent to you by your emotions, not from a higher power.
Do dreams have meaning?
Dream images and symbols will have specific meanings and associations that are unique to you.
What does the Bible say about dreams?
In the Holy Bible, dreams are sometimes called “night visions”