This article discusses healthy lifestyle aesthetic! Our daily routines (cleaning, living, socializing, going to work, running errands, or simply sitting quietly) are rarely appreciated because they lack the surprise and novelty of special occasions. However, they are vital to our happiness.
The following sections outline numerous ways for enhancing our visual experience while coping with daily tasks. We can create a healthy lifestyle aesthetic sensibility toward common objects and activities via repeated practice.
1) Creating ambiance
A condition generates beauty. Our everyday experience is rarely gained from a single sensory source. Taste, for example, is inextricably linked to scent and texture.
Our appreciation of food is inextricably linked to the overall ambiance, which is coordinated by a variety of other components such as table arrangement and decorating, the place in which we are eating, music, the occasion, time of day, and so on.
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A highly expensive wine, for example, would not taste the same if we drank it from a paper cup.
2) Beautiful manners
It’s not so much what you say as it is how you say it. Mannerism’s aesthetic draws focus away from what is said and onto how it is said.
This includes paying attention to both the content and the tone of voice, facial expressions, and bodily movement.
These outward manifestations transmit fundamental moral sentiments such as consideration, respect, and tolerance.
Another monotonous daily act is eating food. For example, one could wolf through a perfectly cooked meal or take their time and mindfully savor every bite.
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3) Visual hunger
The interaction of the five senses determines the desire or impulse to eat. But which sense is most important? The sense of sight turns out to be the answer. Viewing appealing foods on its own can trigger food cravings and eating.
This provides credence to the old adage that we eat with our eyes first. The way food is presented (visual aesthetic) has a significant impact on the pleasure center of the brain.
4) Change your routine.
Parties, vacations, and business trips are all special occasions. They are regarded as good alternatives to daily routines. For example, we could invite some friends around, play some music, and crack open a bottle of wine.
However, if we repeat these actions over and over, they may become ordinary. The novelty factor fades rapidly.
5) Keep things fresh
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When we start viewing things in new ways, we might de-familiarize ourselves with things that are familiar to us.
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This necessitates paying attention to their emotional and sensory characteristics, such as appearance, feel, look, touch, sound, and other perceptible characteristics.
This mentality has the power to transform the prosaic, everyday life into an attractive treasure trove.
6) Having an encounter with the thing-in-itself
“All art is quite useless,” Oscar Wilde said. We value beautiful objects not simply for their practical purpose (utility), but also for what they are in and of themselves.
Shadows, for example, serve no purpose yet might be attractive. Summer has a completely different attitude than winter, although both can be enjoyed equally.
7) Everything is transient.
Aged items remind us of the transience of everything, including ourselves. Attachment (also known as craving) is identified as the source of suffering in Buddhist teaching.
Time works democratically on all of us, rich or poor, powerful or powerless, including our things. Nothing is immune to this natural law.
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8) Self emptiness
Buddhism teaches that there is a fundamental difference between how we view the world and how things truly are.
The insight implies that there are numerous different realities based on one’s outlook, and ours is only one among many.
The Buddhist insight also reminds us that enlightenment entails letting go of attachments to objects and to oneself.
Holding on to familiar beliefs leads to a distorted perspective of the world.
9) Self-development
Finally, there are slower ways to get away from routine and boredom. This frequently entails a rigorous process of self-development, broadening one’s perspectives, or learning something new.
For instance, studying the arts, music, or sciences. Art and science serve as a means to broaden one’s horizons and gain a new perspective on the world.
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A Word From GetMe Treated
The above tips are a healthy lifestyle aesthetic! If you have any questions, kindly use the comment section under this post or you contact us via our contact us page.